All American Five

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Modérateur: sqcra

Message(s) : 76
Inscrit le : Lun Juil 16, 2012 8:01 pm

All American Five

Messagepar Tunin_eye » Lun Mai 16, 2016 4:22 pm

J'ai trouvé par hasard cet article
Voici le lien : ... y_attempts

Marcel ( Membre 162 )

Message(s) : 1
Inscrit le : Lun Oct 24, 2016 2:52 pm

Re: All American Five

Messagepar jwbento » Jeu Nov 10, 2016 10:09 pm

In restoring the Canadian sets that use a 35L6, one could remove the heat producing dropping resistor in the heater string and directly replace the tube with a 50L6. If you wish to keep the set original, this resistor frequently shows signs of extreme heat stress. A 2-watt resistor was common. A 5-watt will offer a much greater safety margin when replacing.

Message(s) : 622
Inscrit le : Jeu Juil 11, 2002 6:14 pm
Localisation : Montréal, Québec

Re: All American Five

Messagepar Daniel » Ven Nov 11, 2016 6:40 pm

I don't know about you Joseph in Utah, but here in Québec the line voltage is around 120 volts, sometimes at night mine goes up to 124, once I have seen it at 128!!!

This result in a way too hight voltage for the filaments, so a bigger droping resistor or if available in a radio that one use often replace the 35L6 by a 50L6. Unfortunately those tubes are becoming rare.

For the radios I uses a lot I replace the 35L6 by a 50C5, using a scrap loctal tube after removing the tube I weld in the tube's socket the needed solid wires from the octal socket to a miniature socket and in goes the 50C6. Not very elegant but very efficient and I have plenty of those!

The original idea came from Jean Marcotte from an article he published in our newsletter.


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Message(s) : 165
Inscrit le : Jeu Juil 11, 2002 6:14 pm

Re: All American Five

Messagepar acodo » Dim Nov 13, 2016 12:57 am

For my part, I replace the 35L6 with a 50L6 everytime I encounter one in a five tube AC-DC set. The total filament voltage being 121V I figure the higher line voltage won't harm the tubes too much, specially when the set sits on the shelf and runs only once in while for a demo.

Jean Marcotte

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